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Gulf Engineering Union

Gulf Engineering Forums

The 8th Gulf Engineering Meeting Dubai – United Arab Emirates

28th - 30th November 2004

In sponsorship of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum (the Minister of Finance and Industry) the UAE Society of Engineers hosted the 8th Gulf Engineering meeting which conveys the aim of ”Towards the activation of the engineering role in the development of the gulf economy” between the period 28th -30th of November 2004.

Around 600 engineers coming from different engineering societies, committees and corporations participated in the meeting. Aside from the meeting there were also engineering exhibitions and around 40 scientific papers were offered to the Higher Council of Gulf Engineering. It was decided to hold the 9th Meeting for the year 2005 in Bahrain. At the end of the forum the following recommendations and decisions were made:
- Encouraging the Gulf engineers to work in the Engineering offices.
- The importance of employing numerous Gulf engineers on Engineering companies in Gulf countries.
- Developing internationally competitive engineering entities by offering complete engineering services.
- The formation of a committee for the rehabilitation of the engineers and the creation of “The engineering vocational rehabilitation” for the professional development of the Gulf engineers in vocational level through the help of engineering societies, universities and other branches of engineering.
- Urging engineering sectors to apply the advanced systems and techniques of engineering administration in co operation with the council in developing strategic decisions.
- The creation of the Unified Professional Gulf Rehabilitation to develop the artistic level of the Gulf engineers.
- Keeping updated with the local engineering systems to know the timely needs of engineering.
- The continuance of specialization in making strategic decisions (the suitable style computed) and making the role of the government important by collaborating with direct supplier in the economic growth.
- Training and developing the capabilities of the Gulf engineers through different training programs, seminars and conferences to increase their creativity and to think of the best solutions and having comparisons with great weights.
- The coordination between the role of science and the engineering institutions, colleges and co operatives in both private and public sectors and engineering institutions to guide the newly engineering graduates to advise them about which majors to specialize in accordance with the market needs.
- The cooperation between the engineering organizations and the gulf universities to develop engineering systems in the next level which saves the rehabilitation programs. It also determines the number of students accepted in the different specializations to develop and utilize their skills in practicing engineering which gives confidence to both professor and students.
- The establishment of an organization from accountants, economists, jurists, administrators on level of co operations as in the European Union. In addition in holding seminars and training courses, the enlightening of the industrial state in matters such as temptation and its dangers and guide them through cost and control and selling accountants attestation in order not to fall as victims for cases which the countries could raise against them. Further, leading all the engineering profession committees in their countries to work hard as organizations pressurize them for the benefit of the profession and to keep the members' rights by studying the laws and regulations to be responsible in developing the engineering profession in all construction fields and to be supported financially and psychologically.
- Preparation of a database for all G.C.C engineers with different fields and announcing the data base for all engineering associations to have easier communication and effective co operation.
- The importance of the bank financial contribution for engineering offices to support in the big and important projects and to establish new industrial; fundamental associations working side by side with industrial banks with the co operation with private sector.
- The interest with the architectural designs which are suitable for the area of HVAC design and saving energy by giving priority to products produced in the area.
- Exchanging expertise between all G.C.C. countries through a program which exchanges engineers in the profession and big projects.
- The local engineering offices must have a clear plan to adapt the technology from international companies when they are participating and not get satisfied with the financial income alone. They should invite all the engineers from small and big offices to contribute in the professional committees in order to have the support to work and employ technical expertise.
- The engineering associations should support and adopt quality awards to encourage individual engineers and engineering sectors whether private or public, in order to work towards best practices for engineering
- Encourage engineers to develop themselves through reading in each field and using the modern technology to spread knowledge and participating in research writing.
