SOE - UAE Studies Social Initiatives
To continue its periodic meetings, SOE - UAE
reer and giving advice to the youth engineers
Board of Directors held their thirteenth peri-
while they are embarking on a new phase.
odic meeting on Tuesday, 21 May 2019 cor-
Social Initiatives
responding to 16 Ramadan presided by Eng.
Based upon its message for society and in or-
Mohamed Mahmood Mashroom, President of
der to enhance the human values, the Board
SOE, and in presence of members; Eng. Ab-
of Directors of SOE, during the meeting, stud-
dullah Yousef Al Ali, Vice President of SOE,
ied an initiative that aims to help the troubled
Eng. Sulaiman AbdulRahman Al Hajri, Gener-
national students of Colleges of Engineering
Secretary of SOE, Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Al Ho-
in addition to providing them with all forms
sani, Head of Training and Conferences Com-
of support so that they can complete their
mittee of SOE, Eng. Mansour Abdulla Aldabal,
study and achieve their future aspirations.
Chairman of Engineering Arbitration Center of
Moreover, the meeting discussed the outline
SOE, Dr. Nahla Ahmed Alqassimi, Supervisor
of the initiative and resolved that the initiative
of Youth Engineers Council of SOE and Eng.
should be further studied and a special com-
Nasser Hamad Abu Shahab, Chairman of Me-
mittee should be established to achieve the
dia Center of SOE, at SOE Dubai Headquarter
purposes of the initiative. On the other hand,
The meeting reviewed the agendas, which are
Eng. Sulaiman AbdulRahman Al Hajri,
important for SOE during the next phase. In
Secretary of SOE, launched another initiative
addition, the Board of Directors thanked HE Dr
represented in a guideline for those who in-
Eng. Abdullah Bin Mohammed Belhaif Al Nuai-
tend to build their houses, which includes an
mi, Minister of Infrastructure Development, for
explanation for building phases and the mech-
honoring the First Youth Engineers Forum held
anism for contracts and procedures of building.
last April, talking about his engineering ca-
SOE - UAE News