resultant message with the hidden
fingerprinting techniques is unique for
There is also a need to encrypt all
information is called the stego
every single copy of the cover
information sent between systems.
message. Steganographic techniques
message, while the watermark used
The information is scrambled when it
can be divided into two broad catego-
by water marking techniques is always
is sent and unscrambled when it is
ries: digital water marking and digital
the same for all the copies of the cover
received. The E-government program
fingerprinting. Digital water marking
message and is related to the cover
message and its owner. Different
schemes of these two categories also
have other special features to meet
the specific needs of their applica-
M-Government is a subset of e-
government. E-Government is the use
of information and communication
technologies (ICTs) to improve the
activities of public sector organisa-
tions. In the case of m-government,
those ICTs is limited to mobile and/or
wireless technologies like cellu-
lar/mobile phones, laptops and PDAs
( p e r s o n a l
d i g i t a l
a s s i s t a n t s )
connected to wireless local area
networks (LANs). M-Government can
help make public information and
uses secure socket layer (SSL) tech-
focuses on the embedding algorithms
government services available "any-
nology to encrypt all communications.
and is used for purposes of copyright
time, anywhere" to citizens and offi-
One of the essential features of e-
protection, authentication, and integ-
government is the transmission of
rity verification. The hidden informa-
confidential information via computer
tion, namely the watermark, in digital
The main benefit that m-government
networks. Depending on the sensitiv-
water marking is relatively simple,
brings is its boundary-breaking poten-
ity of the information, the security of
normally the digital signature of the
tial: truly allowing working on an
some information should be treated at
owner or a random pattern generated
anywhere, anytime basis and helping
the same level as national security.
with a secret key. Digital fingerprinting
to create a truly integrated digital
Although each e-government has its
concentrates on the method (some-
nervous system of government.
own networks, no government can say
times referred to as protocol) of gener-
Because of its immediacy and conve-
no to the Internet because it would be
ating the hidden information, namely
nience, it also reduces the barriers to
a waste of resource. However, the
the fingerprint, so as to meet require-
public service operations, encourag-
Internet is an open environment,
ments such as uniqueness and coun-
ing citizens or service providers to
protecting the data flowing on the
terfeit-proofs. Fingerprinting tech-
make use of the technology where
Internet from attacks is therefore a
niques always utilize water marking
p r e v i o u s l y
b a r r i e r s
w e r e
pressing e-government issue.
techniques to embed the generated
discouragingly high.
In the modern world, steganography is
a covert communication technology,
In other words, the essential differ-
which allows secret information to be
ence between these two categories is
hidden in cover message / media. The
that the fingerprint embedded by
Issue 71 December 2013
2013 71