Despite the difference in height of
a slope less than eight percent and a
Therefore, while the supports of the
about 80 cm between the two sides,
driveway width of 4.00 meters, which
four arcs describe a rectangular cross
was adopted a symmetrical deck
guarantees the simultaneous pres-
section, on the center sections of the
about the course of the hydraulic
ence in the same roadway of a pedes-
four arches are almost on the same
system, characterized by a double
trian and bicycle path, both with two
shaft and clutter height of a little more
flight converging toward the center
lanes in each direction (Figure 5)
than a foot. This solution has permit-
line in ashlar, overcoming gaps in the
Structural Aspects
ted to maintain slender longitudinal
joints planoaltimetrici share through
The structure is made
entirely of
profile of the bridge while limiting
with the plan existing road (Figure 4).
welded stainless S355. It is based on a
reasonably torsional deformability of
the floor.
The supporting structure
is formed by the two
lower arches, consisting
of metal tubes in S355
steel of diameter 409 mm
and thickness 8 mm,
which are inclined at 45
degrees to the inside of
the roadway and are
combined in the center-
line describing an arc of
span of 36.00 m. The rela-
tionship between the
vertical arrow and the
light of the lower arches
is approximately equal to
1/18 (Figure 7).
The result that has emerged is a
system of
simple but elegant walkway, consist-
four load-bearing
ing of a spatial network governed by
arches: the two
four arches, which connects the two
upper strings run
sides with extreme ease, in collabora-
parallel to each
tion with the banks in a natural way
other and form the
and expressing all the tension of the
decking, while the
structure in the central part ' arch
two lower arches
where the tubular arches of the lower
act as supports at
reach the same level of the upper
t h e
e n d s
a n d
arches, emphasizing the slimness.
converge in center-
They were also treated aspects of
line minimizing the
accessibility for persons with disabili-
height of the cross
ties, ensuring each section of the deck
section (Figure 6).
Issue 71 December 2013
2013 71