certificate through the fifth step, professional practice standards coordination with the concerned
also all participated parties in set by Dubai Municipality.
organizational units in the de-
the construction procedure can The Research and Building Sys- partment and the concerned au-
follow the building permit appli- tems Section conducts studies thorities outside it.
cations status, view the engi- and researches in building con- We, at the Building Permits De-
neers notes, pay the fees, book struction and operation fields. partment, believe that creativity
the appointments and discuss These studies aim to develop and innovation are limitless, and
the drawings through video con- the engineering work and the that the role of governments is
ference, in addition to wide vari- ways to deal with the challenges not only to foster innovation,
ety of (Building , Projects, appli- faced by the building's tenants but also to enable it. With this
cations and KPI) reports.
through studying these chal- principle in mind, an opportunity
Moreover, the system includes lenges and find their adequate has been provided for construc-
access to all needed information solutions, provide accurate sci- tion and building contractors,
by engineers, and all parties in entific data, and explore best manufacturers and suppliers to
the construction sector, (Rules practices and analyzing them to introduce new and innovative
and regulations, checking list, adapt them for local implemen- building systems or methods not
all consultant and contractor tation.
previously used in Dubai build-
companies information).
The section also participate in ings. These systems and meth-
The Consultants & Contrac- the preparation and develop- ods are studied to ensure their
tors Qualification Section is a ment of policies and strategies adequacy and conformity with
regulatory authority that helps regarding
systems the safety requirements first,
engineering consultancy offic- and laws to ensure efficiency and Dubai environment second-
es, contracting companies and and leadership in the building ly, in order to provide their own-
building material suppliers qual- and construction sector in the ers with the necessary accred-
ify to work in the construction emirate, including policies for itations, such as: integrated or
field in Dubai. One of the depart- building systems, all sustaina- partial construction systems, or
ment's goals is to research the bility requirements, cost reduc- building services systems such
best methods of regulating the tion plans, improve quality in as: thermal and electromechan-
engineering practice and apply- construction work and ensure ical insulation systems and oth-
ing it locally. It is also responsi- building safety in line with the ers.
ble for assisting in the process best international practices in
of issuing engineering licenses,
and evaluating the technical
staff/engineers to be accredited
to the licenses. The department
also evaluates the engineering
consultancy offices, contracting
companies and building mate-
rial suppliers yearly, by having
routine inspections to make sure
they are maintaining the high