· Identification of landscape
and pedestrian circulation
all tourism activity areas,
design components
· Landscape components
either it is a waiting area
· Design process for land-
­ Vegetation, walkways,
or a small walkway con-
scape tourism
rest areas, shade struc-
nection ­ combination of
· Design Methodology
planting, shade structures,
Above mentioned components
· Spatial planning ­ space
vertical panels for screen-
further can be categorized as
requirement, sequence of
activities, public amenities
solar panels and misting
Study of activity pattern of tour-
and street furniture as per
devices will be a comfort
ist facility;
landscape element to in-
· Time of use
For tourism promotion, an user
vite tourist throughout the
· Type of use
based analysis would recom-
year. Promotion of pro-
· Type of user groups (con- mend following:
ductive landscape areas
sidering all age groups)
· Identification of needs of
- fruit trees and vegetable
· Type of facilities required
the tourists
Identification of landscape de-
· Creation of conducive en-
· Incorporation of green ar-
sign components:
eas which invites birds,
· Separation of vehicular
· Providing necessary infra-
butterflies and addition of
and pedestrian traffic
structure and facilities
small water features/fish-
· Visual and physical ac-
· Accommodation options ­
ponds as resting areas
cess to various parts
starting budget option to
· Introduction of local cul-
· Adaptability of design ­
luxury options
ture and heritage com-
functional, civic and envi-
· Connections via Land-
ponents to all transitional
ronmental needs
scape corridors
areas (nodal areas) which
· Variety and opportunities
· Places of interest to spend
connects different type of
· Access to services
leisure time other than
tourist attractions
· Future development and
tourist packages
· Use
· More emphasis on cele-
lighting design to enhance
· Street comfort ­ Design
bration around tourist are-
aesthetics and experience
elements to incorporate
as - Fairs and festivals
of landscape space.
variety and interest within
· Organizing events to en-
· Incorporation of Land-
that space
gage and entertain tour-
scape sculptures as ele-
Design process and methodolo-
ists - all days in a week
ments of interest/surprise
gy for landscape tourism:
like puppet show in an
· Opportunities for relaxa-
· Identification of require-
open-air amphitheater
tion ­ seating areas, food
ments for the tourist area
· Sports competitions
junctures and water foun-
­ typology and duration of
· Planting of canopy trees
to provide shaded land-
· Interactive maps, inform-
· Connecting prime areas
scape areas
ative banners/hoardings
via landscape open space
· Integration of shaded can-
and signages for naviga-
structuring for vehicular
opies for connectivity to