Lighting Control System in DEWA substation
implementation of the lighting bles and implementing switches
control system in Hassyan Coal on all access doors. In addition,
400kV Substation Station Du- the building occupancy may
bai resulted in cost saving with varying during the day and night
43.75%, daily energy saving per depends on the maintenance
day about 216 W, annual Ener- requirements.
gy saving 56.25% with return of
The objectives of case study
investment about 1.82 year.
are as following:
DEWA (Dubai Electricity and 1. Reduce the power consump-
The use of lighting control sys- Water Authority) ­ Transmission
tion of the lighting system.
tem in building with different Power had unique project in na- 2. Reduce the operational cost
application is a must in order to ture which was Hassayan Coal
through reduce the power
reduce the operational cost and 400kV substation. The substa-
saving power. In current case tion is part of huge project to 3. Explain about the front line
study lighting control system transfer power from Hassayan
equipment, challenges dur-
has been implemented in sub- coal plant to another substa-
ing design & execution of
station particularly in GIS room tions. The dimensions of the
this system.
(Gas Insulated Switchgear). The GIS building where the lighting Bellia and others, 2015, stat-
aims of the implementation were control system has been imple- ed that using automatic lighting
to reduce the complexity of in- mented is about 140 m in length control system dramatically re-
stallation of lighting system and with multiple access doors. duces the power consumption
save power. Therefore, the chal- Hence, implementing wireless of the system. However, the
lenges, advantages and Light- lighting control system was right reduction in the uses of lighting
ing control system philosophy option in order to simplify the system is affected by the pres-
addressed in this paper. The complexity of laying power ca- ence and the absence of the