Smart and Future Cities
appreciate the undesirable conse-
Most significantly, professionals
Establishing smart and future cities
quences of overpopulation in the
employed in different sectors of the
has become a common urgency to
urban settings on the environment, as
corporate world must have their
most city master planners (Galarraga,
well as the inadequate nature of
capacity built to create positive trans-
2011). The number of sustainable and
essential resources (Devereaux,
formations within their establishments
complex cities is rapidly growing all
2012). This definitely calls for the
by embracing sustainability practices
over the world. Today, more than 50%
employment of sustainability prac-
(Takeuchi, 2013). Sustainable leader-
of the world populations are city dwell-
tices. Specifically, they must come up
ship often focuses on the substantial
ers, while the larger urban population
with new ways of utilizing urban
impacts of the corporate world on
is currently about 60%. Due to the
spaces to establish smart cities that
corporate policies and practices. This
large populations, urban dwellers
will last (future cities). They must also
implies that when sustainability prac-
have always encountered myriad envi-
convince urban dwellers to adopt cohe-
tices are adopted, the corporate world
ronmental glitches including poor
sive models of leadership. Future
simultaneously adopts desirable poli-
waste management and traffic
cies and practices. Leaders at all
congestions (Jones, 2010). As a
Sustainability Leaders
levels must therefore strive to acquire
result, city master planners must exer-
In the modern society, individuals and
sustainability skills to enable them
cise their responsibilities of condens-
corporations ought to Citie
be equipped
catch up with the rapidly changing
ing such environmental glitches,
with a vast array of strategic manage-
corporate world. This way, they would
bettering the dwellers' standards of
ment and sustainability leadership
be able to achieve their preset objec-
living, and improving the appearance
skills aimed at achieving particular
tives without any failure (Godemann,
of urban centers (Carroll, 2014). To
leadership and corporate develop-
achieve these objectives, they must
ment objectives (Emerald, 2000).
Issue 72 March 2014