A MOU To Promote Partnership Between SOE ­
The Society of Engineers ­ UAE (SOE- UAE) has
signed a memorandum of understanding, at its
headquarter in Dubai, with the Royal Institution
of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
The MOU aims at promoting professional devel-
opment, expertise and knowledge exchange,
supporting and sponsoring various engineer-
ing events, enhancing the engineering sector
through sharing research papers, technical re-
ports, academic studies of state-of-the-art in-
novations, means and practices, and collabo-
ration and support of relevant issues, affairs and
the points of interest in both parties.
Of the SOE- UAE, Eng. Rayed Al-Areshi, board
member and head of the SOE ­ UAE Arbitration
Center, has represented the SOE ­ UAE in signing
the MOU, while Mr. Robert Jackson, Director of
the MENA, RICS, represented RICS.
SOE ­ UAE Receives Manchester
University Delegation
The Society of Engineers ­ UAE (SOE
­ UAE) has received a delegation
from the University of Manches-
ter, England, at its headquarter in
Dubai. The delegation have ex-
pressed their desire to cooperate
and enter into a partnership with
the SOE ­ UAE in the field of engi-
neering. Such cooperation and
partnership shall take the form of
workshops, seminars, lectures and
training sessions which, in their total-
ity, enhance engineers' experienc-
es academically and professional-
ly. The visit promotes the academic
prestigious rank the SOE ­ UAE has
reached globally.