out with fruitful recommenda scientific research institutions to provide the public and pri-
tions that would improve the and various engineering sec- vate industrial engineering
engineering work at the Gulf tor institutions and strength- sectors with the necessary
countries, including redesign- en the cooperation between data that help the construc-
ing educational programs and the educational institutions tion of smart factories and the
engineering academy in the and the engineering institu- use of artificial intelligence in
higher education and Gulf vo- tions of the Gulf Cooperation raising production efficiency
cational training institutions, Council Countries in order to and adopting a comprehen-
in line with the requirements overcome the difficulties fac- sive national Gulf program to
of the labor market in differ- ing the applied actual reality rehabilitate the worked engi-
ent sectors, in terms of focus- requirements of the Fourth neers of the engineering sec-
ing on acquiring of good en- Industrial Revolution outputs. tors with the necessary skills
gineering professional skills The recommendations also needed by the sector to keep
and behaviors in line with the included the construction of pace with the Fourth Industri-
Fourth Industrial Revolution a common digital data plat- al Revolution Requirements.
requirements. Moreover, they form between the Gulf Co-
reduce the gap between the operation Council Countries
22nd Gulf Engineering Forum Recommendations
Joint Digital Data Platform among the GCC Countries
The forum issued a number different sectors in terms of stitutions and the engineering
of recommendations that will making emphasis on acquir- institutions in the GCC coun-
develop the engineering field ing skills and good profes- tries in order to overcome the
in the GCC Countries. The sional engineering practices difficulties faced by the prac-
recommendations included as needed or desired by the tical reality of the Fourth In-
redesigning the educational, Fourth Industrial Revolution, dustrial Revolution Outputs.
engineering and academic reducing the gap between The recommendations also
programs in higher educa- the scientific research insti- included establishing a joint
tion and vocational training tutions and the various en- digital data platform among
institutions in the GCC Coun- gineering sector institutions, the GCC Countries to pro-
tries in line with the require- strengthening of cooperation vide both public and pri-
ments of the labor market in between the educational in- vate industrial engineering
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