The time
Facilitating sustainable development goals in the region's construction
is now
with regional growth visions and Without a doubt the construc-
contribution to the local econ- tion industry is a large ecolog-
omy. Due to this the industry's ical offender and if action isn't
growth shows no signs of slow- taken then we are in danger of
ing down.
irrevocably damaging our envi-
It is important not to forget that ronmental ecosystem.
while construction brings a With issues related to climate
wealth of opportunities and pro- change taking center stage
vides a positive contribution to across the world, governments
a country's GDP, it also comes in the region have been quick to
with negatives in terms of sus- introduce measures that act as
It is no secret that the region's tainability and carbon footprint. a catalyst in reaching strategic,
construction industry has ex- In fact, according to World Green long term sustainable visions.
perienced a downturn following Building Council (WorldGBC), These include alignment to the
a slump in oil prices in recent the building and construction in- United Nation's Sustainable De-
years. Despite this construc- dustry is directly responsible for velopment Goals (SDGs), a col-
tion continues to be a focal point 39% of all carbon emissions in lection of 17 global goals, which
for the region with new devel- the world, with operational emis- have been designed as a guide
opments underway and many sions including heating, cooling to achieving a more sustainable
planned far into the future in line and light accounting for 28% . future for all.