Cooperation between Society of Engineers and UAE Space Agency Undergoing
Eng. Muhammad Mashroum, Head of Society as well as internationally.
of Engineers, held a teleconference with H.E.Dr. On the other side, Dr. Muhammad Alahbabi
Muhammad Nasser Alahbabi, Director General of praised the efforts exerted by the Society of En-
UAE Space Agency and Eng. Hamed Alhashemi, gineers in order to develop engineers' capacities
Head of Youth Council of UAE Space Agency, and while qualifying them for the global market in ad-
Eng. Nasser Alhamadi, Office Manager of Director dition to enhancing the state's place in the sec-
General in the presence of Eng. Tarek Dimas, Di- tor of engineering and paying due attention to the
rector General of Society of Engineers, Eng. Fate- youth. The teleconference also tackled the means
ma Kareem, Vice President of Engineers Youth of cooperation between the Agency and the Soci-
Council, Eng. Mariam Almarzouki, Eng. Saleh Al- ety regarding the exchange of expertise and the
murri and Eng. Muhammad Alrahmani.
possibility of organizing workshops and seminars.
The beginning of the teleconference has wit-
nessed Eng. Mashroum's warm welcome to the
UAE Space Agency delegation in addition to giv-
ing an introductory brief about the Society and
its objectives. He also praised the significant role
played by the Agency to develop human cadres
and to support research and development projects
in space sector to regulate and improve such sec-
tor in a way that contributes to supporting national
sustainable economy. Moreover, he pointed out
that such efforts do enhance and strengthen the
role played by the UAE over space map; regionally
Mashroom announces three new engineering associations
Eng. Mohamed Mahmoud Mashroom, President under the names of Emirates Professional Engi-
of the Society of Engineers - UAE, revealed the neering Association, Emirati Engineers Abroad
formation of three new associations that will help Association and Digital Engineering Association.
to keep pace with the future challenges of the en- Eng. Mashroom explained that this step comes
gineering sector.
within the Society of Engineer's strategy aimed
This was announced at the end of the online dis- at promoting innovation and creativity in the engi-
cussion session organized by the Training Depart- neering field, pointing out that these associations
ment of the Society of Engineers, titled "Future are open to all members of the society. Stressing
Challenges for the Engineering Sector," presented the importance of community participation, as it
by Dr. Ghanem Kashwani from New York Univer- contributes significantly to advancing the engi-
sity Abu Dhabi, and moderated by Eng. Mohamed neering culture in the Emirates in light of the con-
tinuous dynamic development witnessed by the
Where it was agreed to form three associations country.
SOE - UAE News