prepare the future students for Mahmoud Mashroum, President As long as the majority of the as-
scholarship to travel and work of the Association and Engineer sociation's members are young
as well as joining the associa- Tariq Dimas, the General Man- people, we share the Council's
tion. Provided that this is done ager, while I was in London, its interest in empowering Emi-
in coordination and cooperation where they expressed their ad- rati youth and providing edu-
with engineers association in miration and appreciation for cational opportunities for our
Emirates and the Young Engi- the idea and the need to support members. We thank the Council
neers Council.
scholars who are scholars. For for their initiative in cooperation
Scholarship engineers after re- with the Association in various
Can you tell us about the so- turning and benefiting from the fields.
cial role of the association?
specializations of Scholarships The Third Message: to the Engi-
We acknowledge the importance engineers and implementing neer Dr. Ghanem Al-Kashwani,
of the social aspect in strength- joint projects. These meetings There are no words could appre-
ening the bonds of friendship resulted in the formation of the ciate you. ` I would like to thank
and brotherhood among the Association of Emirati Scholars you for everything that you do
members of the Association in dispatched to work under the for the association since it was
alleviating the suffering of al- umbrella of the Society of Engi- just an idea and until it became
ienation and its challenges. It neers
a reality. On a personal level, I
also has an important role in en- And the coming days will wit- consider you my older brother
couraging them to practice their ness many activities and engi- who guide and direct me."
various hobbies and spread the neering projects of the Associ-
spirit of the family and our cus- ation under the umbrella of the Finally:
toms and traditions values and Society of Engineers
The Association of Emirati En-
always search for what makes
gineers starts as a dream.
us feel home as if we can smell You have three message, to Everything we aspire to also be-
the scent of our country.
whom would you like to send? gins as a dream or as an idea
Project Funding Sources:
The First Message: Emirates written on a sheet of paper we
The association depends on fi- engineering association.
can say that with work and ef-
nancing its projects on the do- We would like to thank you for fort we can achieve our goals.
nations and contributions of its your generous welcome of the I always assure that " I always
association and your continuous say: don't be humble in your
support for our efforts. The next drams as there is no fine on
Tell us about the association stage will witness great cooper- your dreams".
joining the Society of Engi- ation between the association
and the society.
The beginning was with a tele- The Second Message to the
phone call from Eng. Mohamed Young Engineers Council: