engineering at all phases, including building de-
Artificial Intelligence also plays a significant role
sign, construction and management In the de-
in Smart City Initiatives, design and construction
sign phase, (BIM) digital model is created for
phases, which speeds up the implementation
the building, and through using Virtual and Aug-
of these phases. For example, AI helps us as-
mented Reality technology, this building can be
semble prefabricated components to form the re-
viewed before its implementation, thus giving
quired shapes and patterns. Construction robots
an opportunity for modification and change be-
and 3D printing help us speed up the construction
fore the construction phase. In the construction
and building process. We witnessed propitious
phase, materials science and engineering are
applications of 3D printing in constructing offices,
used to obtain the design and implementation of
as we have seen in construction of the Office of
sustainable building materials, known as Green
the Future in Dubai in 2016, as well as in 2019
Buildings, such as formation of environmentally
as the case of the largest two-story building in
friendly cement mixture and other materials used
the world in Dubai in a record period. In addition
in construction as well as specifications that im-
to constructing 3D printed houses, as we saw in
plement green buildings. In the building manage-
the Emirate of Sharjah through the experience of
ment phase, technologies such as AI and predic-
constructing a 3D printed house.
tive analytics are used to predict the building's
The application of Internet of Things technology
maintenance works and defects of electrical and
that uses Sensors actively contributes to what
mechanical devices in the building, which reduc-
are known as Connected Buildings, which facili-
es the costs of building maintenance and man-
tates their management, controls electrical ener-
agement and achieves economic and environ-
gy consumption, reduces the cost of their main-
mental sustainability.
tenance, and helps the sustainability of these
Tell us about the impact of digital engineering
structures. All these pros make digital engineer-
and Artificial Intelligence on some engineering
ing, AI, and emerging technologies necessary in
all engineering disciplines. Today, the UAE is a
Nowadays, all engineering disciplines have be-
world leader in using these technologies in en-
come heavily dependent on the use of digital
gineering disciplines, building and construction.
technologies such as cloud computing, AI, the
Purpose of Chapter
Internet of Things, predictive analytic... etc.,
The Digital Engineering Chapter was estab-
whether it is in the design, manufacturing, con-
lished to keep pace with the UAE's theme in
struction, product or building management and
2020 "Towards the next 50" and to confront the
maintenance phases. Digital technologies speed
up these phases, save time, reduce costs, and
provide many advantages and capabilities that
are cannot to be provided without these technol-
For example, the cloud computing technology
provided the possibility of remote participation in
the design, which facilitates and speeds up the
engineering design process and reduces costs.