·Having the right information and
enable an organization to execute.
ate if there are any tool gaps that are
knowledge to make appropriate
These organizational capabilities are:
making it more difficult to fulfil the
judgement calls and decisions
People: Do you have enough people
mission. Are there any gaps in the
Helena Pagano, senior vice-president
with the skills necessary to fulfil your
current tool sets that inhibit the ability
from Toronto Dominion Bank, states
mission? Do they have the training
to execute effectively? Is there a lack
that "Organizational effectiveness
necessary to execute effectively?
of tool focus (with multiple tools
starts with each person's sphere of
Management: This represents the
providing the same or similar func-
control and influence. Effectiveness is
information and insights that enable
tions) which introduces inefficiencies
particularly about how well and quickly
the team to manage the execution
and confusion, making it difficult to
innovation surfaces and is executed."
effectively in support of the mission.
meet the desired objectives?
The idea of organizational effective-
Does the team have the necessary
How To Measure Organizational
ness is especially important for non-
data to identify performance gaps?
profit organizations as most people
Are they able to correlate information
Though Organizational Effectiveness
who donate money to non-profit orga-
to take corrective action?
is difficult to measure; proxy measures
nizations and charities are interested
Knowledge: Knowledge represents
are used, such as the number of
in knowing whether the organization is
the collection and presentation of
people served, types and sizes of
effective in accomplishing its goals.
information in a way that enables
population segments served, and the
According to Richard et al. (2009),
effective action to take place in the
demand within those segments for the
O r g a n i z a t i o n a l
E f f e c t i v e n e s s
delivery of services. Does the team
services the organization supplies, to
captures organizational performance
have access to the knowledge they
represent effectiveness.
plus the innumerable internal perfor-
need to effectively fulfil their mission
The main measure of organizational
mance outcomes normally associated
on a regular basis? Are data elements
effectiveness is in terms of how well its
with more efficient or effective opera-
being transformed into relevant knowl-
net profitability compares with its
tions and other external measures that
edge (based on the mission) through
t a r g e t p r o f i t a b i l i t y . A d d i t i o n a l
relate to considerations that are
the application of appropriate context?
measures might include growth data
broader than those simply associated
Organization: To fulfil the intended
and the results of customer satisfac-
with economic evaluation (either by
mission, one must review the organi-
tion surveys.
shareholders, managers or custom-
zational structure to make sure that
ers), such as corporate social respon-
the team is organized in a manner that
makes it most conducive to meeting
An Organization's Effectiveness is
the objectives. Is current organiza-
also dependent on its communicative
tional structure inhibiting the team's
competence and ethics. An organiza-
ability to fulfil its mission? Is it creating
tion must exemplify respect, honesty,
unnecessary inefficiencies because it
integrity and equity to allow communi-
is organized based on legacy struc-
cative competence with the participat-
ing members.
Process: Process is the defined steps
that your team follows to execute
T h e P a t h T o E f f e c t i v e n e s s :
specific tasks and functions. Are the
Organizational Capabilities
operational processes efficient in
To create an effective organization,
delivering and supporting services
one must identify the elements within
that fulfil the mission? Are you focus-
ones current organizational capabili-
ing on improving those processes that
ties that are hindering the ability to fulfil
will enable you to more effectively
mission. The ability to fulfil a mission is
meet your objectives?
derived from a set of capabilities that
Technology: Finally, one must evalu-
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