Standards from ASTM Committee
may come across in the marketplace.
E50 on Environmental Assessment,
Doug Clauson is a freelance writer
Understanding the meaning and valid-
Risk Management and Corrective
based in Wynnewood, Pa.
ity of these claims, whether they are
Action also help with measuring and
ASTM Resources on Sustainability
based on certification programs or indi-
assessing building performance.
ASTM International offers a wide
vidual company assertions, is becom-
Green building owners benefit from
range of informational and other
ing increasingly difficult.
E50 standards such as E2797 on
resources for stakeholders involved in
To best determine the sustainability of
building energy performance. E2797
various aspects of sustainability and
a product, building designers, contrac-
provides a commercially useful prac-
related standards activities.
tors, consumers and code officials
tice for conducting an energy perfor-
Sustainability Standards Database --
need credible information on environ-
mance assessment on a building
This comprehensive database refer-
mental impact to make more informed
involved in a commercial real estate
ences over 500 ASTM standards and
choices. Manufacturers benefit too:
transaction and subsequent reporting
300 other standards and programs
not just in the ability to tap into the
of the performance information.
from other organizations involved in
growing market for green building
High performance green buildings are
materials, but through greater aware-
also defined by their ability to offer
ASTM Standardization News --
ness of how their products and prac-
high quality indoor air. This result is
Articles and other content on
tices affect the environment. One of
achieved through ventilation systems
sustainability and construction topics
the key tools available to help manu-
that bring in fresh air without losing
are available through two of the online
facturers assess the true greenness of
heat during winter or coolness during
gateways of ASTM's Standardization
their products is the environmental
summer, control the source of pollut-
News magazine. Visitors may also
product declaration -- a detailed
ants, and provide predictable and
follow relevant news in the field of
report outlining a product's effect on
consistent levels of thermal comfort.
sustainability through the correspond-
the environment over the course of its
Air quality in the residential environ-
ing Twitter feeds for each of these SN
ment is the focus of the efforts of
gateways: sustainability and construc-
In 2012, ASTM International became
Subcommittee D22.05 on Indoor Air,
a program operator for developing
which is part of Committee D22 on Air
Purchasing ASTM Standards -- More
product category rules and verifying
Quality. Among D22.05's large portfo-
than 13,000 ASTM standards are
EPDs in response to the growing need
lio of standards is D6245 on indoor air
used worldwide to improve product
to understand the real environmental
quality and ventilation. This standard
quality, enhance safety and facilitate
impact of products from raw material
details the use of continuous monitor-
trade. You can purchase individual
extraction to disposal and recycling.
ing of indoor and outdoor carbon diox-
standards; a volume that groups like
ide concentrations as a guide for eval-
standards together; a section that is
uating building ventilation and indoor
comprised of several volumes cover-
air quality.
ing an industry segment; or the entire
ASTM Standards for Sustainability
collection. Print, CD-ROM and online
in Building: Online Compilation
subscriptions are available. Browse
The standards discussed in this over-
ASTM standards, adjuncts, collec-
view are included in ASTM Standards
tions and learn m
for Sustainability in Building, an online
Beyond Standards: Establishing
compilation of 202 ASTM International
Sustainability with EPDsore about
standards that address sustainability
purchasing options.
or aspects of sustainability relative to
Along with the global growth in
buildings and construction. This
sustainable building construction has
resource is pertinent to almost any
come a rise in "green" product claims
green rating system or code that users
from material manufacturers and
Issue 72 March 2014