and integration amongst President of the United Arab and underground space
the societies and entities Emirates, the Emir of Abu utilization in particular. He
working in the engineering Dhabi, May Allah preserve further highlighting that the
field in the Gulf Cooperation him, and his brother His state of Emirate has become
Council States.
Eng. Al Highness Sheikh Mohammed an exemplary epitome and
Hajri further stated that; bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the role model to be followed
"SOE strongly supports the Vice President and Prime on its footsteps in progress
engineering sector. Similarly, Minister of the United Arab and futuristic studies. "The
the fruitful and constructive Emirates (UAE), and ruler of wheel of development on
cooperation between the Dubai, May Allah protect the land of Emirates," he
SOE and the International him, and their siblings rulers of continued, "shall continue
Tunneling Federation (ITF) the Emirates, that the event and will never be hindered
for the sake of spreading of hosting the "Tunneling till the United Arab Emirates
the culture of tunneling and Congress 2018" in the Emirate preserve its position and
developing the concept of Dubai is considered to significant status amongst
of the best exploitation be an achievement to the developed countries."
spaces be added to the notable In a concluding statement,
through projects in water register of achievements of Al Hajri noted that the
and electricity and other the United Arab Emirates Society of Engineers ­ UAE
projects greatly participates in hosting and organizing has already stated working
for huge
as on the organization of the
different problems that cities accustomed.
"Tunneling Congress 2018 ­
suffer from, such as traffic
Dubai 2018" event since the
whole Al Hajri noted that the Society announcement of the award
worldisholdinguptheemirate of Engineers ­ UAE saves ofitsorganizationtotheUnited
of Dubai as a paragon in the no efforts in preparing and Arab Emirates. "The Society
sector of underground space organizing for the hosting of Engineers ­ UAE and its
with the Dubai of the "Tunneling Congress affiliates," Al Hajri confirmed,
Metro project as the ultimate 2018 ­ Dubai 2018" which is "have an ongoing strong
example of the breakthrough supposed to bring together commitment to exert their
in the world of transportation Underground
Space best organizational efforts in
using tunnels," he added. Engineering
and this big event and to bring it
In the view of the great professionals field from in forth in the best representable
breakthrough that the United the region and from all parts way parallel to the standards
Arab Emirates is witnessing of the world for the sake of of SOE and the United Arab
in all fields in general and exchanging
experiences Emirates; the country which
in the engineering sector and
knowledge always
the of the latest projects and comparison in organizing
patronage and thanks to applied
all and hosting the biggest of
the wise leadership of His around the world in the events and congregations
Highness Khalifa bin Zayed engineering sector in general, on the local and Arab level
bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the and the field of tunneling as well as international levels.